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This masterclass is free to watch but is not available to join in – the participants are from local secondary schools

Come and watch Peter Phillips inspire musicians of the future as he runs a masterclass focusing on singers from local schools.

We’re delighted to welcome Peter and his world-famous early music ensemble The Tallis Scholars to Dorchester Abbey.

The Tallis Scholars have established themselves as the leading exponents of Renaissance sacred music throughout the world. The purity and clarity of their sound, perfect for the Renaissance repertoire, has given them a worldwide following.  Celebrating their 50th birthday last year, they have now performed well over 2,500 concerts and won many awards for their recordings including the BBC Music Magazine’s much coveted Recording of the Year Award in 2021 and the 2021 Gramophone Early Music Award.

Please do book tickets for their 7.30pm concert here.

If you need disabled parking or access do contact us here with your requirements.


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