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Scarecrow Trail – Heroes and Villains

Dorchester High St, Dorchester on Thames

Fancy taking part in the Dorchester Festival Scarecrow trail this year? Scarecrows can be really simple, pulled together at the last minute or super creative, planned way in advance – up to you, as long as they resemble a hero or villain (real life or fictional). Scarecrow entry £5 (entries must be received by Saturday [...]

Cygnets Art School – Clay Modelling Squirrel

Festival Little Tent Dorchester Abbey, Dorchester on Thames

Cygnets Art School are also running a butterfly drawing workshop at 3pm Calling all young budding artists 5-13yrs! A 90 minute workshop with a Spring theme: a class on clay modelling where the kids will sculpt a beautiful red squirrel. We provide all the materials, just turn up in messy clothes and no need for [...]


Cygnets Art School – Pastel Butterflies

Festival Little Tent Dorchester Abbey, Dorchester on Thames

Cygnets Art School are also running a clay squirrel workshop at 1pm Calling all young budding artists 5-13yrs! A 90 minute workshop with a Spring theme: a class drawing butterflies in soft pastels and ink. We provide all the materials, just turn up in messy clothes and no need for parents to stay! Cygnets Art [...]

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