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Scarecrow Trail – Heroes and Villains

Dorchester High St, Dorchester on Thames

Fancy taking part in the Dorchester Festival Scarecrow trail this year? Scarecrows can be really simple, pulled together at the last minute or super creative, planned way in advance – up to you, as long as they resemble a hero or villain (real life or fictional). Scarecrow entry £5 (entries must be received by Saturday [...]

Carnival of the Animals

Dorchester Abbey High Street, Dorchester-on-Thames

Tickets £20/£15 Children (under 16) half price (Apologies - incorrect prices were printed in the paper programme) There will be a section of seats reserved at the very front of the nave for Festival Friends at this concert.  Do consider becoming a Friend – find out more about it here. Maki and Ilya are also [...]

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