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Opera Brava – The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe children’s opera

Dorchester Abbey High Street, Dorchester-on-Thames

Tickets £5, FREE for children 16 & under PLEASE book children tickets so that we know how many audience seats are needed Local primary schools deliver this operatic performance of The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, as the culmination of a week long workshop with Opera Brava, Britain’s leading outdoors touring opera company. During [...]


The Festival Launch Party

Festival Big Tent Dorchester Abbey, Dorchester on Thames

Tickets have now been closed for this event and will not be sold on the door as catering numbers have been booked 6.30pm 'til late! Get your party clothes on, bring your friends and join in the fun in our fabulously decorated party tent.  We are SO excited about the fantastic food and band that [...]

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